On Maundy Thursday we celebrate the establishment of the Holy Eucharist at Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples and his “mandate” that we love one another. The word, “maundy,” likely comes from the Latin, Mandatum novum do vobis, “I give you a new commandment,” words we hear in tonight’s Gospel reading and in the Anthems at the Footwashing. Tonight’s hymns and Offertory Anthem are centered around Community and Holy Communion. As is our custom here at Calvary, after the Eucharist we strip the church of all adornments in preparation for Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Even the Reserve Sacrament, which signifies the eternal presence of Christ in the church, is removed to an Altar of Repose in the Narthex, to be consumed at our Good Friday service. Our tenebrae (shadows) anthem is a moving setting of the passion chorale which we sang on Palm Sunday, “Ah, Holy Jesus.” The organ drops out at the last verse of the anthem and is not heard again until after the Renewal of our Baptism Vows at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night.
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By Anonimous – www.sedmitza.ru/ index.html?did=32500, Public Domain, Link
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