Calvary Episcopal Church is a parish with deep roots in its hometown. In 2015 we celebrated 150 years of ongoing Episcopal worship and our church building is the oldest in Santa Cruz County still being used for its original purpose. God has blessed us with a dedicated laity, a strong music program and the gift of being located in a busy downtown area.
Handwritten account of Calvary’s history, written by Eliza Boston in 1900, annotated in the Parish Register 1903 and here transcribed by Carol Walker, parish archivist, September 2014
Parish Register, Volume I, Page 7
The first service of the Protestant Episcopal Church was held in Santa Cruz, on Sunday May 11th 1862 by Rev. Dr. Ver Mehr.
The second service was held on Sunday May 10th 1863 by Rev. C.B. Wyatt, Rector of Trinity Church, San Francisco.
The Rev. C.F. Loop, a Missionary appointed by the Board of Missions Domestic, New York City, arrived in Santa Cruz and began regular services in the Court house, July 5th 1863.
On Easter Monday [March 28th] 1864 Calvary Parish was formally organized and the Rev. C.F. Loop was elected Rector.
On St. Peter’s Day June 29th 1864 the corner stone of the Church Edifice was laid by the Rector assisted by the Rev. D.D. Chapin, of San José, and the Rev. Mr. Easton of San Mateo.
The first service was held in the new Church Edifice [unfinished] on January 8th 1865.
On Sunday October 27th 1867 the debt of $675 having been paid, the Church was solemnly consecrated to the worship and Service of Almighty God, by the Rt. Rev. Wm. I. Kip D.D. Bishop of California, assisted by the Rector and the Rev. A.L. Brewer of San Mateo.
On September 4th 1868 the Rector Rev. C.F. Loop sent his resignation to the Vestry of Calvary Church, which was accepted and also notified the Standing Committee, the Bishop being absent from the Diocese.
During its first 100 years, Calvary Church continued to grow and reach out, not only to the city of Santa Cruz, but also to Episcopalians in the surrounding area. The clergy and laity of Calvary were largely responsible for creating and sustaining missionary work in the surrounding areas of Santa Cruz County, especially in helping to establish the present Episcopal churches at Ben Lomond, Aptos and Scotts Valley. In recent years Calvary Church has continued this practice by being a leader in the organization of the Faith Community Shelter, helping to expand the program to other churches in Santa Cruz and Aptos.
History Re-enacted
Calvary parishioner and accomplished playwright, Dana Bagshaw, has written and produced a few plays that depict historical events in Calvary’s history.

In April 1865, as preparations were underway for Calvary’s first service to be held on Easter Day, news came of the assassination of President Lincoln. What was to be a joyous celebration for Calvary became a national day of mourning. For Calvary the floral decorations were removed, and emblems of mourning were hung in the chancel. On April 19th then-rector Rev. Loop held a special service in honor of the slain president. Accounts in the church records say he was a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, and his address to the congregation was so eloquent that the City Fathers of Santa Cruz asked him to repeat it publicly the following week. In 2015 Calvary celebrated its 150th anniversary for which Dana wrote and produced Lincoln’s Eulogy which was enthusiastically received.
Set in the late 1800s, La Boheme Santa Cruz, is about Henry Thompson, who returned from Italy as Enrico Tomasa, renowned bass singer, and stopped in Santa Cruz while on a world tour. A talented young soprano in the Calvary choir, Lottie, captured his attention and later became his wife. He stayed in Santa Cruz for awhile and eventually became the director of Calvary’s choir.
EMPTY CHAIR – Summer 2022
Empty Chair reveals more about our founder, Eliza Boston, and introduces her husband, Joseph Boston, who made the building of Calvary Episcopal Church happen here in Santa Cruz. Also portrayed is one of Calvary’s first members, Agnus Scott, whose husband, Hiram, was the founder of the town of Scotts Valley.