Labyrinth Garden (Coming Soon)

Calvary has plans to build a permanent labyrinth in Fall 2024 on the north side of the church on Lincoln Street for the enjoyment and spiritual enrichment of the parish and the broader community. Your donation will help us realize our dream. 

Labyrinth Community Build Day, Saturday, October 26, 1-5pm!

  • Join us as labyrinth designer, Lars Howlett, leads us in laying the bricks for the labyrinth pathway.
  • Place notes beneath the bricks with your hopes, dreams, thanksgivings, or intercessions.
  • Hear about the landscape design and permaculture gardening from Terra Nova Landscaping.
  • Participate in Labyrinth-related activities for children.
  • Tour the church and view displays about Calvary history.

What to bring if you are helping with the build?

  • Wear closed-toe shoes
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Garden-type gloves
  • Knee-pads if you have them

Water and refreshments will be provided.

For more information: or

email: or

phone: 831-423-8787

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a labyrinth?

A labyrinth is a meandering path, often singular (unicursal), leading to a center.  Labyrinths are an ancient archetype dating back 4,000 years or more, used symbolically as a walking meditation, path of prayer, or ceremonial site, among other things.  Labyrinths are a tool for personal, psychological, and spiritual transformation, also enhancing right and left-brain cohesion.  Labyrinths evoke metaphor, sacred geometry, spiritual pilgrimage, religious practice, mindfulness, well-being, and community building. – Adapted fromThe Sacred Path Companion by Lauren Artress, Riverhead Books, 2006.

Why a labyrinth in Downtown Santa Cruz?

Our vision of this project is to provide a place of respite and renewal in the heart of Santa Cruz for downtown residents, workers, and visitors.  A 7-circuit classical labyrinth at the center of a vibrant and colorful garden on the grounds of Calvary Episcopal Church will invite visitors to follow its winding path, relax, and reflect.  The ancient symbol of the classical labyrinth surrounded by a garden of native California plants will be a fitting testament to the deep roots of this land.  At one time, the indigenous people of the Uypi tribe lived and walked here.  Calvary Episcopal Church was built here in 1864.  Walking the labyrinth will be an opportunity to remember the paths others have walked before us.

Who can use the Labyrinth Garden?

Anyone and everyone!  Any time of day!  The Labyrinth Garden is a place for the entire community.  Once built, you can start, refresh, or end your day with a walk on the labyrinth.  Book your group for a bonding exercise, or attend periodic guided walks held for the community.

Who designed the labyrinth and the garden?

Calvary partnered with:

Lars Howlett, master labyrinth designer who developed a custom elliptical design for a 7-circuit classical labyrinth.  He will also direct the building of the labyrinth including community involvement.

Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping who developed the landscaping design and will build and install both the labyrinth and the landscaping.

What type of garden is planned?

Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping are specialists in the practice of organic gardening and the ethics of permaculture.  They will convert the current gopher-ridden “lawn” with a beautiful, healthy, and sustainable garden of mostly native plants.  We look forward to achieving the status of Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping (

What will the labyrinth be made of and how will it be built?

Lars Howlett designed a custom elliptical labyrinth in the 7-circuit classical style to fit the space on the north side of Calvary Church.  It will be composed of decomposed granite for the pathways and McNear sandmold bricks for the lines (  The labyrinth will be installed upon standard roadbase materials and gopher netting.  The labyrinth will be built with community volunteers under the direction of Lars Howlett on October 26, 2024.  The excavation and roadbase will be installed by Terra Nova Landscaping.

What is the timeline for the Labyrinth Garden project?

Excavation will begin the week of October 14.  The Labyrinth Community Build Day is Saturday, October 26, 1:00-5:00 pm, all are invited!  The surrounding garden will be complete by Thanksgiving 2024.

What about security for the Labyrinth Garden?

Calvary is working with Terra Nova to ensure that the Garden has installations to protect the garden, in addition to the security lighting already in place.

How is the Labyrinth Garden being funded?

The project is being funded through grants, church funds, and individual gifts from parishioners and the wider community.  The project is expected to cost $145,000. As of September, the church has raised $100,000.

How can I make a donation? Is it tax-deductible?

Donations are gratefully accepted online at, or by mail to Calvary Episcopal Church (check designee), 532 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (memo line – Labyrinth Garden Fund).  All donations are tax-deductible.

Is there a donor recognition program?

We’ve established donor recognition levels to help you reflect on how you might commit to the project.  All donors above the level of $500 will be recognized in a prominent display in the garden featuring a cross-section of the Douglas Fir that stood on the property for at least 100 years.  Donors in the range up to $499 will be recognized in the program for the dedication ceremony.

Visionaries                                          $5,000 +

Gardeners                                           $3,000 – $4,999

Pathmakers                                         $2,000 – $2,999

Planters                                                $1,000 – $1,999

Groundbreakers                                $  500   – $999

Garden Crew                                      $   1 – $499

Can I make a memorial or dedication gift?

We encourage memorial gifts, honorary gifts, and gifts of thanksgiving.  If you would like to make such a dedication, simply include your information in the memo line in the online giving form, or on your check.

How can I help?

  • Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on the project. Email
  • Attend one of our Open Houses to learn more about the project. 
  • Tell your friends and neighbors!
  • Volunteer to help build the labyrinth at a community day in Fall 2024, under the direction of Lars Howlett, master labyrinth designer.
  • Donate to the Labyrinth Garden Project at, or by mail to Calvary Episcopal Church (check designee), 532 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (memo line – Labyrinth Garden Fund).  All donations are tax-deductible.

For more information:



Phone: 831-423-8787                                                                                                             10/2024