With the installation of our new Shoenstein organ, we also have the task of disposing the parts of our old Moeller organ. All of the parts are now removed and are sitting on the porch of the office.
Instead of just carting it all off to the landfill right away, we thought there might be some interest in re-purposing the parts from the local artist community, so we’re putting the word out. Carol Walker is coordinating the disposal of the old parts, and she has contacted members of the arts communities in the Tannery Arts Center as well as the Arts Council Santa Cruz County. We’ve already had good interest, with the zinc pipework going to a local metal artist, some of the wind chest parts going to local woodworkers, and even interest in using the scrap wire (both old and new).
If you or anyone you know has an interest in the parts from our old Moeller pipe organ, please let us know. You can contact Carol Walker or Alex Johnson to arrange a time to meet us and see what’s available. Here is a description of some of the kinds of parts available, with additional photos:
- Large, heavy poplar wind chests made of 2x material
- Poplar & oak wind reservoirs (with springs, leather bellows, internal felt wind valving)
- Various electro-pneumatic parts (solenoids, electromagnets, switches, electro-mechanical valves, etc.)
- Leather bellows parts
- Springs
- Plywood (1″ x 5′ x 8′)
- Poplar lumber
- Lots of parts that are hard to describe